I have a confession to make about having a 5 month old.

Mommy Report | 5 months | Lessons we are learning about raising a 5 month old and journaling our progress.

I’ve fallen in love with my little man. I can’t explain it, but this seems to be the month that I fell in to my groove and it all clicked for me. I don’t think its been depression or rejection. I just think there is something about this stage that has made me feel like we can interact and build a little relationship. He tracks me with his eyes when I walk by. When he makes eye contact with me, he smiles the biggest smile. He reaches up for me and likes to crawl on me like a jungle gym.

This is the part I was looking forward to most about being a mama. I know I may regret it, but now I just cannot wait until he can start talking to me. But, you know his expressions now say so much. He flashes that smile all the time. Yesterday when his dad came home from work, we met him at the door and Little Man smiled so big when he saw his dad. This is such a really fun stage and we are both trying to slow down and take it all in. Which is really hard.

Mommy Report | 5 months | Lessons we are learning about raising a 5 month old and journaling our progress.

A few things to note as we catalog his changes each month:

  • personality has really started to developed – he knows his people and that second dimple has show up and its just the best when you lock eyes
  • he is more verbal – I love to listen to him on the monitor in the mornings while he talks and entertains himself. His screech and sqeals are so cute. He makes noised, hums, grunts, gurgles, just lots of talking whether he is on his back in his bed or standing in the activity center (which I refer to as the party deck!)
  • starting to get more of a daily schedule – eat, play, nap, repeat – but mornings are his best time. 9-noon (like his mama) are sure fire happy space and then it just dwindles as the day goes on. Of course he gets a resurgence of happy when his dad gets home from work. We need a nap at 11, 3 and 7. Now we just have to work on the how. When we are home he just sleeps in his swing. But, when we are not at home we have got to figure out something besides someone having to pace up and down the hallway. I may just have to wrap him back up in his sleeper and put him in the pack n play.
  • hands are in his mouth all the time and feet are in the air if he is on his back. We might as well take all his toys back. That is really all he needs!
  • tummy time is getting better. I even saw a smile last week while he was playing. I try all kinds of things to keep that head up like talking to him with his Simba like its a puppet. I’m pretty sure the look I got yesterday was, “mom, I know that’s coming from you”
  • He does move his head around to sounds. He notices when there is a change in his environment. In the mornings, I usually put him in the activity center and do some chores or things around the house. If I walk through the room, he follows me all the way around. And, if he is in a room and someone new walks in, he notices and follows them.
  • he is a scheduled 11:00 nap pooper, that is if he has not pooped before. It is rare to get to the afternoon without him pooping, but you can walk in the room and know when its happened. It is going to be interesting when we get to some solid foods next month.
  • still travels like a champ and will adventure all day with me – this is so, so nice. This month we did a couple excursions doing some research for stories I was working on. He was a total champ and we had a fun day. I’m so thankful he will ride and sleep and play all day!
  • he is starting to notice the decorations in his room. I caught his eye looking up at the canvases on his wall and smiling. I hope he loves the robots and I cant wait to tell him the story behind why we chose them.
  • wants to sit up as often as possible, but that head is so heavy, its hard to stay up on his own! He did sit up all the way through dinner in his Bumbo. We have 30is days to work on this so he can start eating baby food at 6 months. He has to have back, head and neck body control to eat more than a bottle. We can do it!
  • we moved up to Stage 3 diapers
  • several of our 3-6mo onsies are starting to pop the snaps. He is a long little guy and is starting to fill out.
  • mommy fears – Have I installed the car seat right? How do we navigate this heat? it gets so crazy hot in the car. He often falls asleep when we drive, but when I get him home, he does not last long in that car seat, even in the house…it gets so hot. And, the one that is there every month – what am I supposed to be doing at this stage to get him ready for the next?

Each month, I’m continually amazed when I get my articles about things he should be doing and is doing. It is pretty amazing to me how the body just grows and develops and then stages of mental and emotional development roll along with them. This little guy is teaching me so much!

Mommy Report | 5 months | Lessons we are learning about raising a 5 month old and journaling our progress.

Eye update. We are still seeing him track when he is looking for something far off. As soon as he catches it with his eyes, he is able to follow it. Of course we test and try things all the time. But, I honestly try to not watch it too much. Its one of those things I could really stress about and really fall on the sword over. We go to the eye doctor on the 10th and I think those answered with what we heard at the neurologist with help us know what to practice, watch, and just let develop.

As far as we are concerned, he is perfect.

Mommy Report | 5 months | Lessons we are learning about raising a 5 month old and journaling our progress.