Well buddy, I cant believe we made it. In so many ways, it seems so long ago that I first held you at the hospital. I guess time is standing still. I know I just gave an update a couple weeks ago, but you have already changed so much.

  • MOMMY REPORT | 1 month in and an update on our little man @bigpittstopWe have finally figured out your feeding.  All that grumpiness we were talking about last time that I was so afraid was part of gas issues was just you being Hangry. Hey, I get it. I’m grumpy too when I’m not getting enough to eat. I just knew your little demeanor had more to it than I was able to figure out so we kept digging. It took those 3 weeks for you to get back to your birth weight and with all the feeding we were doing, that just didn’t seem right. So, I decided to try one more thing. Exclusively pumping.  When we did this, I realized I just wasn’t producing that much milk. Many times I’m lucky to get right at 2 ounces and you should be eating 3-4 each time you feed. So, it made so much sense why we were spending 45-65 minutes together and you were still not satisfied. Thankfully you took super easy to the bottle and we have not turned back. I tried to save a couple morning feedings to still nurse and that just proved futile.  Same song different verse. So for now, we are feeding you from a bottle and I’m exclusively nursing and we supplement the feedings where I didn’t produce enough milk. Your dad and I tried this new routine over a weekend and you started sleeping better, acting more satisfied and we really felt confident this was the main issue.
  • MOMMY REPORT | 1 month in and an update on our little man @bigpittstopWith all the food you are getting now, you are starting to fill out. We went back in week four, for a weigh in, and you gained 14ounces in 1 week with our  new system. That’s a lot of catching up and the nurses were all so excited. But, all this weight in one week had you sizing up in everything.  We switched to size 1 diapers that just seem so big on you, but those NB diapers were leaving red circles on your legs and you were filling them up so fast, so it was time. I also think I’ve seen you wear my favorite sleeper for the last time. I knew it would happen, I just forgot that it would happen so quickly. I guess at 1 month, its ok to close the drawer on the NB outfits and get you on those 0-3 months clothes. Heck, I bet I turn around and we are sizing up again soon.
  • The main difference we are seeing in you this past week is that you are focusing on faces. My face is the one you look at most often, but its fun to watch you look at the ceiling and try to take in what’s around you. We even let you sit in your swing last week and you spent about 10 minutes just exploring your hands and putting them out in front of you. Its find to watch you grow and develop.
  • MOMMY REPORT | 1 month in and an update on our little man @bigpittstopAlong with focusing, you are starting to put voices and faces together. I’m trying to talk to you more in full sentences and tell you what’s going on throughout our day. But, I love when your dad comes home at the end of the day and you turn toward him. Or, when he comes in from the other room saying something, you move your face in his direction. These little things tell me more about how your brain is growing and developing. And i love every bit of it now that you are more alert at different times in the day (thankfully, its not midnight to 6 am!)
  • Last thing I’ve noticed is the emerging of “that smirk”. Your dad has one so I hoped you would too. But, its starting to be there. We are not sure if its just showing up as a reflex or if you are already annoyed with your parents. Either way it comes on strong with a cute little dimple and is already melting our hearts. I cant wait for it to be a full fledged smile then we are going to laugh and play all day.
  • You still hate your car seat, but we are figuring it out and maybe making it more comfortable for you. I cant promise you wont be spending some time in your space shuttle…we love to go around here and mama needs to get out from time to time!
MOMMY REPORT | 1 month in and an update on our little man @bigpittstop