Well, we just walked back into the hotel from the Marathon. She is a trooper. She ran under right at 7:00 hrs and some change. I didnt get to see it ( I was too busy having an emotional breakdown with the civil service people…that’s a story that will come later). Lets just suffice it to say that she did amazing. I waited for her at km 34 with some other fans. One of the coaches told me that she had blisters. I thought he had the wrong person. Her mentor here is Marissa so I thought he had them mixed. Well, he was right. She was walking and when she got to me, she was hurting bad. I jumped in and finished (until they cut me out of the last leg…insert emotional breakdown) the rest with her. It was awesome. I have so much more to say, but no time right now. While I dont hurt like she does, I have to get upstairs and make sure she is being a good girl. I think there is and ice bath in her future and since I did 6 with a backpack full of clothes people had passed along during the race, there is something in my future…my back is killing me. But, this is what we came for and it was an amazing day. We have made some new friends…go figure!

Thanks for your support and I promise pictures soon. Oh, and dont make fun this computer wont do spell check (b/c it is in italian) and I’m in a hurry!

Ps…if you see my mom, tell her we are alive and that she did make it!