Pivot Moments

Pivot Moments

We talked about it a little last night before I went to bed, but it felt different this morning when I got a sweet text from my husband. “Good morning babe. Happy 10 year Cancerversary! I’m so thankful for you.” I’m so thankful for him. We...
KCD digital design pieces

KCD digital design pieces

Over the last few months, I’ve been looking to expand my selection of items offered in my Etsy store – K Cutie Designs. So I’ve been exploring digital pieces for download. In this stage and season of life, I’m realizing how important it is to...
10 years as a Cancer Survivor

10 years as a Cancer Survivor

10 years ago, I started this blog. My first post was the first weekend I had been diagnosed with cancer. I knew I had a lot of people in different states who were starting to hear about my diagnosis and wanted to know what was going on. Many were afraid to ask, some...
Miracle Man

Miracle Man

On this eve of my 10 cancer checkup, it is not lost on me the miracle that I get to experience every single day. Miracles come in all forms. Saving you from something, saving you for something. Making something from nothing and making nothing out of something big. We...