So, the last month of my pregnancy, my tummy stretched and stretched and stretched. Thankfully, it was stretching straight out and not wide out, but still I had a feeling there was a lot I couldn’t see besides my feet and how to tie my shoes. My husband was gracious one time when I asked him if I had marks and he just smiled and a said… a few. But, when I got home from the hospital, I could really see the damage.
You know, I’m totally ok with them. I know they are marks of the beautiful life I got to carry in my body for 9 months and I wouldn’t change any of that. But, now that I could see my belly and below again, I noticed a few little black hairs pop up on my belly. So, I shaved them one time I was in the shower and ever since, I’ve experienced what I can only describe as “razor burn”. I’m not sure if its the stretch marks or something to do with me shaving, but the part of my belly, below my belly button, just itches from time to time and scratching it just irritates the skin and it whelps up and turns bright red.
I did a little research and found a stretch mark cream recipe on Pinterest. Well, a couple…you know my style. I combined the ideas by using things I already had at home and made me a tub of “tummy butter” that I’ve been using to heal my rash and try to pull away from my stretch marks. I don’t have before and after pictures, but I can tell you, I can feel immediate relief when I put this stuff on.
After Baby Tummy Butter | DIY Stretch Mark Cream
- 1/4 Cup Coconut Oil
- 2 Tablespoons Cocoa Butter
- 10 drops Frankincense oil
- 10 drops Lavender oil
- 1 airtight container
- Put all ingredients in an airtight container.
- Stir together using a fork to minimize “clumps” in the mixture.
- Rub on the belly or stretch mark area daily or as needed when itching arises.
- Great to apply after the shower and before bedtime.
I really just used things I already had around the house – coconut oil from above my stove that I used for cooking. Cocoa Butter – I had already purchased a stretch marks salve that was thick like the texture of coconut oil. You could totally use a thinner kind more like a lotion, but that’s what I had. And, I have Young Living oils at my house, but doTerra or the other brands from places like Walmart or Bed Bath and Beyond could work. Just make sure you know and trust the properties of the oils you are buying for the way you plan to use them.
**DISCLAIMER – I use essential oils in my personal life. I have done research on them and know how I’m comfortable using them for our family and in our home. Please research the properties of the products you use. I am not responsible for the products you pick or how you use them in home remedies or for treating and taking care of your family. If you would like to know more about getting connected with Young Living, contact me directly and let me know, or leave a comment below.**

Keisha!! I was just looking at Pinterest and there you were!! The daughter I never had!! I’m so impressed!!!! Sounds like a good recipe. Let me know if you’re going to be in Arkadelphia anytime. I’ll love to see you and hold that sweet baby boy!
Thank you ma’am. So funny that auto posted and picked that picture of me instead of the featured image. Now my big belly will be all over Pinterest!! I’ll let you know if we sneak down there
Hi Keisha, Loving your blog even more during your new life chapter. Miss
you and so happy to keep in touch in this manner.
Thanks. With our schedule I’m finding some good morning time to get my thoughts down.