Southwest Egg Bake

Southwest Egg Bake

This has been a busy fall already. With my brother in law getting married later this month, we have had lots of party weekends. And, I’ve developed an easy breakfast dish that has made its way on a menu 3 weekends in a row. Its super easy and the kind of dish...
getting in the ditches

getting in the ditches

This month, I’ve jumped into the conversation on mental health, anxiety, and depression.  A couple of things I’ve read listened to and pondered are listed below.  Feel free to download and enjoy yourself. Presentation on DEPRESSION by Dr. Gary Oliver...
a day to remember

a day to remember

A year ago today, my love took a huge leap of faith and moved across the state, well really out of state, to take a promotion that was no small act of bravery. He filled a tough position that had been know to prey like a serpent. But with dogged determination he...
mental health link up

mental health link up

This month the #NWArkCares bloggers have been tackling MENTAL HEALTH.  This topic is raw and real. It means different things to different people. It’s brought inward reflection, verbal processing over coffee and some real feelings and realizations expressed...
what can you do: Mental Health

what can you do: Mental Health

So this month, I’ve spent some time sharing my story with anxiety and how I’ve learned to cope with the issues I deal with, but what about the rest? I’ll tell you in researching and beginning conversation with some Northwest Arkansas Bloggers,...