Pink Bliss
I’m in love
Along the Way
Age Old
From the Ground
(this was a headstone I found in a little family cemetery)

Along the Lines
Get in Gear
Avoid This
C’aint Sit Here
Billy Bob
I’ve heard the story that when I was a child we were at a zoo and a calf was eating, much like the one below and I yelled out “Look its getting milk from it’s mommy”  That’s all I could think of becuas eI know my dad would have taken the opportunity to remind me in that whiny high pitch voice that I apparently talked inw hen I was a know the one.
Profile Pic
You have to avoid this when you are taking pics in the corral
Dont’ make me come over there
Hey Stranger
Eagle Eye
Natural State
yes, this was in the back of a cemetery…I couldnt resist.

If you are interested in seeing 500 more where these came from, you can visit my photo share site.