What a weekend the Megaphone Summit 2019 was. First, it was in Bentonville, Arkansas, a place I adore. Second, I was surrounded by some of my favorite tribe members (but missed several others). Third, I learned some new things. Fourth, I got some new motivation and an updated to-do list.
I love going to this conference each August. Megaphone Summit started as the Arkansas Women Bloggers University and has grown, and grown, and grown, over the years. My favorite thing always is the time with my friends who I would now fully call my Tribe. These are gals I could, would and have, gone to with the real things life brings, not just the bloggy stuff. But, what I love most is the energy I get during this weekend. I like seeing my people, being in my element, and reenergizing on new things to tackle.
I have a special note-taking method for conferences that helps me be most productive with what I learned. And I used that with every session, general and breakout, throughout the conference. So, go read that post about 5 things to do to take great notes at a conference that leads to post-conference productivity. As I built the tips below to share with you, all I had to do was go to my notes and look for the stars and the circle dots (maybe I was still thinking about cootie shots when I set this up!) to get my stand out moments and what I was going to add to my to-do list after Megaphone Summit 2019.

STAND OUT MOMENTS from #Megpahone19
- Of course, the first thing that stood out to me was my Tribe and time with my people. Find people that cheer for you and bring you energy and then seek to fiercely protect those relationships and the time you have with them.
- Be true to yourself.
- Seek Authenticity. Say “no” if it’s not for you. It is for someone else and your next thing will come along. It always does, so quit wondering if it will.
- Write for your reader (user)
“Users are greater than SEO. My study of SEO is the study of humans.”
@HashtagJeff, aka Jeff Hawley
- Update and republish – whether its old posts, holiday posts, or just good content that was not optimized, doesn’t have a good image or written before you improved your writing skills. Some of your best content may already be on your site.
- Make sure your readers can consume your best content, not just your latest content.
- “What are the things that make you happy? Chase more of those, then monetize if you can” – Jordan from Packed Party
- “If you have to try to make it work, then it’s a ‘no’. If it’s not a “must-have” then its a ‘don’t.’” – The Everygirl
- “Make your website a resource for others and it will become a destination for your audience.” – my main take away and what I hope many others heard
- “You are a real business, take yourself seriously.” –@HashtagJeff
- Your content should solve a problem for which you are an expert – Google will respond and so will your followers.
- “Your expertise is the thing that makes you different.” – Marisa Mohi
- DO NOW: Fix IFTTT rule for Pinning or plugin – it’s posting them double and confusing for followers
- DO NOW: switch to WP Recipe Maker card plugin.
- DO NOW: Update images on old posts that are relevant and can recirculate this fall.
- DO NOW: claim all my accounts/website on Tailwind
- DO NOW: Q4 pieces on Pinterest – go look at insights for popular posts this time last year and get them ready! Then start working 3 months ahead. Q4 should already be out, so I need to be considering Q1 by Oct.
- DO NOW: fix new images for OCC posts
- DO NOW: Submit site map to Google Search Console – understand Google Search Console better (bossgirlcreative)
- EASY: Update “close friends” list on Instagram – this will help me see the people I want to more often – the algorithm will keep changing, this is a little control I can have. Figure out how you can use LinkedIn – low hanging fruit because no one is really using it for social sharing and blogging
- EASY: make a new Pinterest template that is “my look”
- QUICK: find out how to add a “popular content” section to my blog
- Build Pinterest boards that match your blogging content – allows you to share to more boards and doesn’t confuse your followers.
- Focus on updating, old, relevant content – just do a run through popular posts and make them better
- Make a Cancer pillar content page and update all the content that it points to, optimize that page and update graphics
- Add a Snack Mix pillar content page – optimize and make a graphic
- Other pages I want to be found for? Mom Advice? Recipes? Chocolate Chip Cookie? Optimize those pages and update images that are sharable and pinnable.
- Investigate shopper sticker for Instagram
- Learn more about Pinterest Newsroom (Allison Lancaster)

See, I told you. You walk away from Megaphone with a renewed energy and some specific things you want to tackle. Some are new habits, but many are specific things you need to do right now and then others that can be tackled in the next quarter, 6-months or before another year has passed.
Did you attend Megaphone 19? What’s on your list? If not, what do you want to know more about on my list and we can tackle it together!
I am so happy you were there. We never have enough time together.
never. I may have to just call you and catch up on life.