What a weekend – AWBU
{I say post 1 because I have a feeling I'll be digesting for a while to come and bring back some things I learned this past weekend. (and, I should have apologized to my twitter followers before my weekend bc I'm pretty sure I annoyed you...my bad...that was one of...
my day spring
I find irony in a lot of things...for my Monday it came in the form of "the words I shared as a challenge, that I preached to someone else, became my own challenge for the day". Isn't that how it always works? A few weeks ago I was offered an incredible...
You are faithful
Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful.—Hebrews 10:23Man this verse hit me this morning. Faithful is always my favorite word for God. I have seen it and experienced it more times than I can count. Thankfully part of...
Evolved Mommy
Today's journey takes me to Evolved Mommy a place you will find is full of lots of techie tips and a little nonsense. All characteristic of Stephanie McCratic who is one fierce chick in my book!Make sure you add her regular blog to your readers and daily "drop-bys"...
Sparacino Chronicles
Ok, so don't kill me, but I'm hanging out again in lala land...I mean cube land with Lenette over at The Sparacino Chronicles I love meeting new people through blog land and this is one gal that I stopped everything I was doing to add her to my "feedly" (the...
The Turner Channel
So excited to be hanging out with Julee and P today over at The Turner Channel. She was gracious enough to host me and let me invade her space for the day. Their family has seen first hand all that cancer can do and I'm so grateful that she opened her "home" to me!...
Living a Miracle
What an end I've had to my week. This (not unlike the rest of the year) is a super busy time of year for us at the American Cancer Society as we work to tie up all the amazing work of our awesome Relay For Life volunteers and begin planning for 2014! Its also...