what can you do: Domestic Violence

what can you do: Domestic Violence

So we know the facts and we know that a victim of Domestic Violence can look like a neighbor, co-worker, or the face in the mirror.  It’s messy to step in and get involved.  It requires vulnerability, educating ourselves and a willingness to get a...
facts: Domestic Violence in #NWARK

facts: Domestic Violence in #NWARK

So, this month as we look at Domestic Violence in Northwest Arkansas, I thought it was important to share some of the staggering statistics that might just put context to the need for a megaphone. As you read through these, let me challenge you to continue...
love shouldnt hurt

love shouldnt hurt

…that’s what they say anyway…. It’s a quiet Saturday morning and I’m sitting in the dark.  Not because I’m scared or worried.  But, because I want to.  It’s a quiet morning and the time of day is something many...
what can you do: LITERACY

what can you do: LITERACY

All month, we’ve been talking about LITERACY in Northwest Arkansas. (follow #NWArkCares to see the other articles and topics) If you know anything about me, you know I like to find solutions.  When I know there is a problem and I can lend my voice to it,...