Keeping it Clean | April Wingfield guest post
Y'all (because that's what my guest today would say), I'm so excited to be hosting my friend April today on the blog. She introduces why I invited her over today so I won't tell it twice, but April was one of my college roommates and one of my lifelong friends,...
Gear Up! | 0-3 months
Below is a list of some of the essential items we needed at home with a newborn. Whether these were items we registed for one of our showers or things we picked up on our own when we got home, I think its safe to say all of them were things we could not live...
Keeping Organized in the Kitchen
I’ve often heard my mom say, “The key to cooking anything on a weeknight is just a little organization.” And believe me, my mom could cook just about anything on a week night including a fancy dinner for 8 (but that’s a different post). Now that I’m in a “mom”...
Earth Day | Energy Usage Survey
As mentioned here and here, one of the common debates at our house is how we could decrease our carbon footprint. Of course I don’t present it in those terms, but what could we do to reduce trash and consumption in our home? This new stage of life really has me...
take them a meal
I can think of nothing more that a family with a newborn needs (maybe besides some extra cash and sleep) than to have meals covered the first couple weeks they are home. And that same philosophy applies when people have had surgery or a stressful week. We have been...
KCD: Baby gift items
Thankfully we are coming out of flu season and all the winter weather, but its spring and that has its own new set of things to keep away from little man. March wind is still blowing, germs are still swarming, but pollen has entered and April showers are just around the corner.
Hopping Down the Bunny Trail | filling Easter baskets with more than eggs
What about you? Was there anything growing up that was always in your Easter basket? For us, it was the Eggums – the little carton of egg shaped bubble gums. And of course Reeses eggs…still as grown ups, we get both of these in our “Easter basket”.
Easter Resources for lessons and learning
The Easter season is upon us. Much of the décor of the day involves glittery eggs, baby chicks, bunnies in various dimensions, baskets, fake grass made out of paper or plastic and stuffed furry things in all the wrong colors. But, this holiday represents so much...