I’m a possibilies hoarder. There, I’ve said it.
This weekend I saw the movie Inside Out. They talk about things called “core memories”. They are the drivers that everything else inspires and expires from. I wonder how many of the things we hold on to are driven by
these core memories. As I mentioned in a previous post, I’ve spent much of the last week cleaning out my garage. Cleaning out tubs of craft items and
There were tubs of Christmas decorations and I’m pretty sure that of the last 5 years, I’ve only put up a tree once. There were files that I had moved here from my previous jobs and loads of things I’m pretty sure I’m holding on to for decorations if I ever get married.
Possibilities. Some days. Lots of ifs and

I wanted them for some reason. Do they make me feel safe? Do they fill my need from dream space? Do they mask and cover what hasn’t been from what I wanted to be? So, I did what I’ve put off for almost 3 years. …I purged my stuff.
I’ve realized that I was stuffing an unsafe place in my mind with things. And, I’ve begun to hold on to those things as things that will fill voids. Voids caused by real relationships (or the lack thereof). Voids caused by negative self-talk. Voids caused by thinking and holding on to the past. Voids caused by being scared to step into the future.
Possibilities. Some days. Lots of ifs and
I found treasures, lots of treasures. It’s not that I was just holding on to
junk. There were good things; a seriously nice set of Stampin’ Up stamp sets, antique handkerchiefs most likely hand embroidered by my grandmother and
All good things, but maybe not
matters most and what doesn’t. You begin to be proud of where you’ve come from and realize the impression each of those steps have placed on your heart. I mean its nice to know that your second grade teacher thought you were helpful in her class and that you really did get an athletic award once in your life, even if it was participation in field day….and every kid got one (trophies were too expensive!). Its fun to see some of the early art pieces you did in 7th grade as you were honing your artistic skills. The loads of lesson plans when you wrote the curriculum for an after school program in college were really impressive….but stop!
Possibilities. Some days. Lots of
And yet, you are here.
A contributing member of society.
A giver. A dreamer. A creative.
A doer. And holding up quite nicely I might add. You don’t know what
the days ahead will bring. But, there are 25 boxes of hoarding dead weight that will not be holding you back! My name is Keisha. I’m the person behind the @bigpittstop brand. I dream. I create. I emote. I believe in possibilities, but I will not be held back, stuffed out or driven by some days!

**Note – after I wrote this, I realized it was more of a self-talk moment than a moment to encourage you…consider yourself warned about the on goings between my 2 perfectly shaped ears!**
So good! I am still pausing over what you said last night about keeping things because you want to have another opportunity experience the same feelings you feel when going through those special things. It's not about "take a picture and you'll always have it", it's about the memories evoked when you TOUCH those things. I think that is so true. Not a reason to keep the things – but still so good to know what's going on in the old brain. 🙂
Yes. I've been thinking about it too. Might be a follow up there!
Girl this is deep stuff. Loved it.