Paige Ray. What do I say. I miss this friend so much from my NWA time. Paige is a couple years of mama steps ahead of me. I remember when she had her sweet little guy, she launched a new podcast and really began exploring the topic of creativity and motherhood. I could listen and sympathize with what she was going through; I could think about it and imagine what it felt like to be a creative person and then to have the feelings of much of that stripped when you became a mama and your world was flipped upside down. But, in the last eight months, I’ve come to understand that in a whole new way. It’s so real and I’ve thought of her and gone back to some of that exploring she did early on expressing her feelings and trying to be the best little mama.
And, she is the best little mama. I admire how she pushes herself. I admire how she continues to discover and rediscover talents. I admire how she makes time for her man, but carves out intentional time for herself and to grow herself. I love that she has not arrived and I love that I can keep fanning her flame.
My incredible friend, Paige Ray who is going to be showing her artwork, for sale, at The Little Craft Show next month in Bentonville and Downtown Fayetteville two weeks later. If you are in NWA or east OK, make plans to come over. Browsing the aisles at The Little Craft show is always one of my favorite NWA things. Only artists who make handmade things get in the curated craft show. It’s not just any show-up and throw glitter on things kind of place, real artists with real talents, unique and eccentric gifts for everyone on your list. Seriously. Go!
What have you OVERCOME? The thing I’ve overcome, and the thing that I attempt to share on my blog, is that I’ve overcome all the preconceived notions that I had about being an artist and a mom. It took me making some pretty massive failures in my twenties and rebuilding my life in my early thirties to see that the only restrictions were the ones I put on myself.
- What was your TURNING POINT/PIVOT MOMENT? My pivot moment happened in April 2015; the month my grandmother died and my son was born. It felt like both these big things, happening almost simultaneously, tore me all the way down to my core. Rebuilding was HARD, including but my limited to postpartum depression and flailing around in serious self-doubt. The rebuilding I did I made with an eye toward what my Nana and my son had taught me that Spring: Life is precious and short. I need to live it big and without fear holding me back.
- 5-word life mantra – “Shine bright.”
For me, living a life that matches the one I describe above is to fully embrace all the things that are me. The me that cries during concerts, the me that considers the mountains my spirit animal, the me who loves getting lost in her new favorite city, and the me that occasionally does scary things {flying lessons are next} because life is too important to play small and not shine.
I totd her it was ok to only have two words!
- Quote you live by – We delight in the beauty of the butterfly, but rarely admit the changes it has gone through to achieve that beauty. -Maya Angelou
{and fellow artist + writer born in Southern Arkansan}
- How to connect with me:blog/website –
You can find me on all the other social platforms but I’ve decided to take a step back from social media and focus on creative energies on my Color and Courage Commentary. I’d love for you to join the fun there: