When I decided to do this series, I knew I wanted to reach out to Lyndi and include her. I’ve always respected Lyndi so much in her blog work. I met her through a blog group we are both parts of. She is someone I look up to for her skills in understanding all the things that go on, in this digital space. She has grown so much as a blogger, writer, designer, diva chick and I’m thankful that she is ok with bringing the rest of us along. Plus, she recently talked about her monthly “board meeting with herself.” Its a topic I think about…monthly when I’m tying up the books on my blog business and thinking that day should probably be board meeting day. I’ll get there. But, I’m also a fan of Lyndi’s for the way she loves her husband. I love that they are friends. I remember in my single days, I’d watch her talk about him or I’d watch them interact and I was so intrigued by the mutual support I saw when they interacted and the smile that moves ear to ear when she talks about him and their life together. Its a really sweet thing.

Guys, meet my friend Lyndi!

  • OVERCOMER SERIES | Lyndi Fultz aka @nwafoodie - sharing her journey to overcome busyness and the constant need to be doing, going and being somethingWhat have you OVERCOME? Busyness.
  • What was your TURNING POINT/PIVOT MOMENT? Deciding to leave a career position with a company I loved after twenty years. I knew that I needed a drastic change from the high-profile role and stressful responsibilities that came with it. I allowed myself – no I gave myself permission – to slow down and do something I loved that wouldn’t consume all my mental and physical energy. So, I did. Best part? I’ve made it a priority to create white-space in my life. It’s fun when I run into those from my old life and they ask me what I am doing now. My answer? Pursuing peace.
  • Quote you live by: Esse quam videri (To Be, Rather than to Seem) I grew up in North Carolina and this was our state motto. I have always, always loved it since my earliest memories. The older I get, the more special it means to me.
  • How to connect with me: