Leslyn. One of my babies that has one of her own now. Leslyn went to Ouachita (like most everyone in her family). She was one of my kiddos. One that I cooked for and let me giggle with. During the days I was getting to know her, she was getting to know a boy. And, they are super cute together. Learning and meandering life as young 20-somethings. She just had a baby and he is as cute as he can be. I love visiting her blog; listening to her be real about her life and just trying to do what the rest of us are doing…get to the next day!
She has beautiful freckles and amazing hair. But her heart is so much more beautiful than what you see when you walk up to her. And, don’t even get me started on what happens when you give this girl a mic!
(And, must say this was one I’m so glad to read. Its one of my daily struggles and I so love the advice she offers below! I keep saying you’ve got to purge to merge, but I think that’s true for time as well.)
What have you OVERCOME? Spreading myself too thin.
What was your turning point? The turning point has been a year-long process, to be completely honest. I am very type A by nature, so I have a difficult time trusting people to do a job the way I think it should be done (hello, pride). When I found out I was pregnant last year, I realized that I was wasting so much of my time doing things that I didn’t really love, and I was more exhausted than ever (and it wasn’t only because I was growing a human). As a result, this year has turned into a “purge” year, where I evaluate what truly gives me joy, and what steals it. As a result, I have more time with my family, I feel like I can breathe again, and I get to focus on the things that I’m passionate about!
5 word life mantra – Be joyful in all things.
Quote you live by – “There is no passion to be found in playing small – in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living.” –Nelson Mandela
And for those concerned that its not #overcomer October any more, we are going to keep going. I have some amazing people in my world and they wanted to keep sharing. So, we are making it happen. Stick around for a few more days….and, if you want to share your story with my readers just answer the same 5 questions above and send me an email (link on left)!
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