Oh this sweet lady was quick on my list of Overcomers.  When I made my dream list of people I hoped would respond, I quickly added Holley’s name to that list.  I’m grateful for her story and the ways she shares it with others.  I love her little latte worthy gifts that show up in my morning email inbox.  (Yea, she writes a newsletter I actually read).  Holley is the co-founder of (in)courage, an blog for women that does as its name promises.  She is kind hearted, introverted and when she speaks, you want to lean in and listen.  I had the privilege of spending a few brief moments with her in March when at a mutual friends wedding and I realized that her conversation are like reading her amazing books.  You want to sit and linger and marinate with the sweet, healing words God has given her.

I give you, Holley!

  • What have you OVERCOME? Infertility
  • What was your turning point? God healed our hearts after almost a decade of struggle and then He blessed us with a 21 year old adopted daughter named Lovelle last fall!
  • 5 word life mantra
    – Love. Love. Love. Love. Love.
  • Quote you live by – She knew that many were the plans in her heart but God’s purpose would prevail. {Proverbs 19:21}
Connect with Holley:
  • Twitter- @HolleyGerth
  • Instagram- @holleygerth
  • Pinterest- Holley Gerth