- What have you OVERCOME? Adversity
- What was your turning point? My turning point was when I finally got to meet my oncologist at Vanderbilt after having to wait 2 months to get in to see him. This was my third diagnosis, and I had already been told 18 years earlier that if it came back a third time, it would be “difficult to control”. I spent those two months on the internet (I know, bad idea) and I had looked up all the numbers, statistics and reports for surviving head and neck cancer. It didn’t look good, I wrote myself off. That is until I met the oncologist and the team at Vanderbilt, their words were “this is nothing, we got this”. “We do this everyday”, immediately I went from defeated to fighting mode. This was my turning point.
- 5 word life mantra – Cancer Will Not Get Me
- Quote you live by – Stay positive, because what the mind of man can concieve and believe, it can achieve. ~several people, Zig Ziglar, Henry Ford~
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Greg is truly a first class rock star in the cancer world. He is a great man!
I am a member of What Next, Greg is a true warrior, friend, advisor, and confidant! I feel like most all the What Nexters would agree that the website wouldn't be what it is without Greg. He helps provide a platform for us to ask, share, and vent concerns and questions we think about daily!! I use this site to avoid upsetting my children n family!! See if I voiced some things to them that I voice on this site, it would possibly scare them. Most of our thoughts and concerns can be answered from others going through the same thing. It's king of like you "can't unring a bell". I never want my kids worried needlessly!
I agree. Greg does a great job and is a great encouragement!
I want to thank Greg's wife for being such a support to him so that he can be such a support to us on What Next.
amazing testimony!!