April… where do I even start with this intro? I met April at Early Registration before I started my freshman year of college. Through mutual friends and mutual groups, we ended up living next door to each other our Sophmore year and stayed together. I always call her one of my “college roomies” even though we never actually lived in the same room. But, she is so much more than that. April is a lifelong friend. She is brave and fierce and tries new things. She cheers and fans your flame of whatever you are doing. She studied communications as well so she gets many of my work and non-work dilemmas. She has 2 miracle girls that are getting WAY TOO grown up. She loves her husband, cheers on his goals and dreams and works at a church where she is in charge of connecting others and helping them find a home. Can you tell why we are friends? I just love April and if you don’t know her or don’t follow her, you should. I’ll just leave it right there with that!
Oh, and follow their podcast. Especially if you are a female, the encouragement is so good for the soul, but anyone can listen in.
What have you OVERCOME? People pleasing! As an Enneagram 3, I like to impress and I often am performing without even realizing it. It’s just the way I’m wired and there are some good things about it. One thing that’s NOT so good about it is that I want everyone to like me and I want to make everyone happy, sometimes at my own expense and always at the expense of honest, vulnerable relationships.
- What was your TURNING POINT/PIVOT MOMENT? It has been a slow pivot (PIVOTTTT) and something I’ll likely always work on, but realizing that I don’t need to hold anyone to a position in my life above God. People will fail you and I have been failed by people, just like we all have. As Paul so eloquently put it in Galatians 1:10, “Am I now trying to win the approval of human beings, or of God? Or am I trying to please people? If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ.”
- 5-word life mantra: He makes all things beautiful.
- Quote you live by: We’re all just walking each other home. Ram Dass
- How to connect with me:
- blog/website- www.BeingWomenPodcast.com
- Facebook – April Wingfield
- Instagram instagram.com/aprilwingfield/
- Podcast – Being Women