In May, the American Cancer Society will celebrate its 100th birthday. In my role with ACS, I learn more everyday about the amazing things they have accomplished in that time and more about the people’s lives they have saved.
As part of our celebration we are creating Life Lists. What have you accomplished to date?

It was interesting as I was working on mine to really thing about what is an “accomplishment”. Is it something I think is notable or I think other people would think is notable? I have a feeling as I go through my day that some different things will hit my list (I should have put competitive donkey basketball on there!). But for today this is where I see myself.
What I’m more excited about are the days in front of us. The days where we see Relay For Life and other events as a celebration of life and the cure for cancer. The day where we work ourselves out of a job. The day where 3 out of 3 people survive cancer. That’s the boxes I’m waiting to check off!
What about you? What are some notable things you’ve accomplished? What are some things you still have on your life list?