My sweet boy I don’t want to forget what is in my heart today. So I’ve sat down to write you this letter. Actually we are rocking and you are starting to snore in my shoulder.
You are sweet. It’s easy, and cliche to call you a sweet boy. But that’s what you are. You love big. You are passionate. I can already tell by the fits you throw. You are happy and joyful. You are expressive and your giggles and laughter are our favorite things about you.
You are observant and smart and we are starting to see it show. You hug our dog or lay your head on her in the mornings and call her “good girl.l It’s the first real phrase you’ve said. You’ve stared helping me get you dressed. You know after each arm comes out of your shirt that it comes off your head. And the same in opposite fashion. When I pull a shirt over your head, you start putting that right arm through it’s spot.
Your legs and feet are strong and your arms are so long. You can reach things on the countertop and pull open drawers. I have to watch my back at all times. You are curious and like to push buttons. Lately your best friend is Rosie our Roumba vaccum cleaner. I think you played too closely with her plug yesterday and hurt yourself. I didn’t see signs of shock or a burn but it sure scared me.
You are boisterous and happy. You LOVE balls and have been saying a version of “one, two, three” before you throw it. But you throw everything. You have figured out how to get your animal basket over the fence and you love playing in and out.

You want to be where mom and dad are and eat when we eat. You know when we all sit down together to put your hands together and say prayers. You bring me books to read and want to sit in the chair together to eat your afternoon snack. You LOVE oranges and will cry at the door for them. You quickly learned they are in the bottom drawer and you can pull it out and get you one. This week you ate giant blackberries like they were candy. You love crunchy fruit like they are chips and you are learning to eat with a fork.
I’m so proud to be your mama. I love how you smile at people when we are out and wave bye bye. You love your Granddad and PawPaw and drop everything when you hear the garage door open at the end of the day. You stand at the window and wave at daddy until he comes in.
You have made every corner of our world so much better. I love you little man!