Let’s be honest, its a mind boggling thing this time of year – the hostess gift.
Do you get one? What is too much? What if you are the only one who brings something? What is too small? Is it one size fits all? What if there is more than one host?
So, what is appropriate this time of year?

- Hand Towels – holiday specific or just fun and every day
- Coffee – a bag of ground coffee or Kcups rarely are a disappointment…bonus points if it has a story and a cause! And a gift card to Starbucks or their favorite local spot works here too.
- Sonic Gift Card – 2 words: Happy Hour
- Favorite Beverage – juice, wine, burbon,fancy tea in sachets or grounds, again…coffee
- Candle – only if you know their “scent theme”
- Monogrammed anything – napkins, zipper bag, stationary
- iTunes card – these are one size fits all and can be used for whatever they like…like buying music for their patio party.
- Homemade Treat – they are always making and doing for everyone else…a treat for themselves is a rarity
- Fancy Cleaning Supplies – there is a store off the square in Fayetteville and they have the most fin cleaning supplies…I always covet them and have a friend who gets a set each fall – but even a little goodie basket of Meyer cleaning supplies is not something you always get yourself!
- Ornament – if they have a theme they decorate for each year or just something new that makes you think of them.
- Bonus Idea: give a gift in their name to cause they advocate for are involved in.
Keep it simple, keep is personal. That’s what the Hostess with the McMostess is
What did I leave off the list? Or, what gift have you received as a hostess that you loved?
AMEN on fancy cleaning supplies! Such a luxury. Same with nice tea towels.