Below is a list of some of the essential items we needed at home with a newborn. Whether these were items we registed for one of our showers or things we picked up on our own when we got home, I think its safe to say all of them were things we could not live without.
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These days, I feel like we move our whole house when we go any where. There are so many little things that we use each day that make life easier.
I did a lot of reading on blogs, Pinterest, and eNewsletters when I was registering and buying things to help us get ready. I would see things that were recommended and then I would ask questions of my sister (a new mom) and my mommy friends. Its nice to get the “must haves” list from every vendor out there, but I’ve found it so much more practical to hear from mamas who are in the trenches. What did they register for and not use? What did they not get and need at the last minute? What practical advice did they have to offer for building my baby registry?

Well, 3 months in, I can honestly tell you their advice was spot on. There are maybe 2 things I would do different…but, from the trenches, here is the gear we cannot live without:
- Swing or Rock n play
- Vibrator chair
- 36 inch blankets – I ended up making a few that we used all the time. It was just a yard of fabric sewn together in a square, but it held the tightest.
- swaddles
- Mylicon gas drops
- My pump – Spectra 1
- Pumping Bra
- Soothing gel pads and nipple cream
- Lawn bottle drying rack
- Timing app
- Diffuser and peace and calming essential oil
- Munchkin diaper pail and the bag refills
- footed zipper sleepers
I’d like to say they are in no particular order, but I think they were added to the list as my desperation came to mind. I didn’t have the last 4 on this list until the last month and the first 7 I put on there week 1. I’m sure there will be others we add at different seasons and maybe I’ll make a note after 6 months to see if our list changes!
- Swing or Rock n Play – we love our swing. I use it the better part of each day. This is where Little Man plays while I pump or get things done around the house. It’s also where he usually drifts off to sleep throughout the day. Ours has different levels of swing power and plays 5-7 different “tunes”. There were a lot of these on the market. Seriously, I had a hard time deciding which one to get. Ultimately, we went with a version that could be portable if needed. I wasn’t sure how much we would depend on this and knew we would be going to grandparents’ often so we needed something we could take with us and not be too bulky. Not long before he arrived, I started hearing more about the Rock ‘n Play. I probably would have considered this more if we did not already have our system set up. I really like it as well because it doubles as a sleeper. We already had a bassinet and vibrator chair, but it could have taken the place of all 3.
- Vibrator chair – little man slept in this every night for the first 2 months. In those early days when he cried so much, this is what kept him sleeping a little bit each night. It was also super easy to carry with us when we traveled on the weekends or had to stay with someone. I even used it on the bathroom floor a couple of times when I needed to take a shower.
- 36-inch blankets/Swaddlers – seriously this seems like the one random gift. We got some adorable blankets that people at church sewed or crocheted and those are treasures. But, I feel like I woke up one day and he outgrew all our little blankets. We had a few those early days that we used to swaddle him in because he hated the swaddlers. (Mr. McKinney’s grandmother made a blanket and we were using it every day so I went and bought some fabric to make some more. It was just 2 yards of fabric sewed the front to back. Those 36 inches proved perfect when we needed to swaddle him or have an extra layer of warmth when we had him in his car seat. (and, I feel like we will pull them back out when he gets towards the end of this year) At 2 months, the swaddlers (Swaddle Me or Halo) were all we used for night time sleeping. He loves to throw his arms around (he would make a great band director) and that always wakes him up – be prepared, this is really one of those areas where you make a plan as a parent and then have to adjust to what the kid will do. There are a lot of options. We had a winter baby, so blankets were a good option. If I were to have a summer baby, I would probably go with the muslin wrappers/blankets. Or for sure start with the knit swaddlers. And, even then there are so many different styles that you will have to find out what works. I would say this is a great area to borrow things from friends to “try” first or buy at a consignment store if you don’t have one you are convinced will work. Now we are in the season where we are about to need his arms out so he can roll himself back over. I know you can wrap some of the swaddlers where his arms are free and legs are still in the pouch and it’s wrapped tight around him. We will see what comes next. (according to my Facebook ads, they already have it figured out for me!)
- Mylicon – I have a friend who is a pharmacist and I remember back in the day, she would always give Gripe Water or Mylicon Gas Drops as a baby shower gift. I get it… when you need it, you need it. In the early days, we had the witching hours from 5-7 pm and then it just felt like off and on he would need it. As we got our feeding issues settled, we’ve needed it less and less. But it can be anything from my fault for things I ate to him not burping properly, to just have a little gas on his belly. No matter what it is, we were glad to have this. And, I went ahead and have a set I carry in his diaper bag. That way we already have it when we are traveling or if I’m just out by myself with him.
- My pump – Spectra 1 Plus – going in to this phase, I was convinced I would get a Medela pump. I even bought some parts for it and extra bottles when I was at a consignment show in the fall. But, when it came down to it and I was talking with the lactation consultant at the hospital and the person with my insurance they convinced me with their facts to consider this pump instead. As the lady with my insurance said, “the main difference is you can buy pieces for Medela pumps at basically any store but a gas station” and this one you have to order parts off Amazon. I was sold if that was the only perceived inconvenience because the specs were better. But, it has proven to be great and super easy to port. I pump all the time in the back seat when we are going places (see point #6 that makes this possible) and I’ve even pumped while driving down the road. This specific model came on the market after the Affordable Care Act was introduced and has many better features than the Freestyle models I was previously considering. I’m just encouraging you ask the questions, get the facts, and weigh the options. This gave me more and cost me less out of pocket.
- Pumping bra holder – I use this thing every single day. And as a person who thrives off productivity and multi-tasking, its a lifesaver. I’m just going to say if you are going to pump, you need one, whether you think you do or not. It lets you be hands-free while you are connected to the pump. I can sit at my desk and work, pump in the car, but I even use it while sitting on the couch because it’s just not convenient to sit and hold your flanges to your breasts for any amount of time. Bonus: I just found out about these “Freeme” cup milk catchers. I might consider these if I was producing and pumping more, especially if I was pumping at work or around others more often.
- Soothing gel pads and nipple cream – pretty obvious here…your nips hurt when you start nursing. Mine were dry and cracking early on. They got better once I moved to solely pumping, but they stayed so sensitive. Your boobs are worn out while feeding and nursing your baby. It’s just part of the system. Do yourself a favor and get some gel pads. If you have issues with clogged milk ducts you might need the ice packs or other gadgets…just check with your doctor on those. Note: make sure you are using products that are ok for your baby to have in their mouth. Otherwise, you have to wipe off the cream before you nurse and well, that’s just more wiping on a part of your skin that’s super sensitive. I used the Lansinoh brand because it was less goopy and ok for the baby to taste if any was still on the breast when he nursed next.
- Lawn bottle drying rack – I knew from the beginning that some sort of bottle drying system might take over our kitchen. Over the years, I’ve seen lots of options and possibilities. But, I’ve always liked the modern sleek look of “the lawn,” and I really think the people who designed this did such a great job. They built something that is simple and not cumbersome, has incredible accessories that you want to have, and they even set up a travel version that you want to have to take with you. Of course, I thought I would be breastfeeding more than what happened, so I was glad we already had this in the closet when we switched to bottles. I totally recommend the bigger lawn and at least one “twig.” We don’t currently have the travel kit, but I’ve sure been thinking about it.
- Timing app – one of the first things I “got” that I had not previously prepped with was a feeding timing app. In the hospital, they gave us a paper to track when we fed and changed diapers. It’s super important to keep track of these details. But in my sleep-deprived state keeping up with a “sacred” piece of paper just seemed like a stressful thing I didn’t need to add to our plate. So, I downloaded a free app called Baby Nursing by Sevenlogics. Its a great app that can keep up with all kinds of details, including: feedings, diapers, doctor visits, sleeping, medications (I’m sure I’ll be back to this as he gets older), a diary/journaling section, measurements, bath times, shots, and activities. It really is an app that can grow with you during different stages. And I promise you will not be able to just keep all that in your head. Yes, you can write it down, but what happens if you spill water on your note, throw it away, or even cover it up and lose it to the black hole of “your safe spot.”
- Diffuser and peace and calming oil – I’ve been an essential oil user for some time and we have been diffusing most nights to help with sleep or immunity issues during the winter season. I’ve had some great luck over the years for different ailments and love having pure options straight from the earth. So, when we got home from the hospital and little man was so fussy, we started diffusing Peace & Calming blend at night. I know it wasn’t, but in a way it felt like a miracle. Mr. McKinney looked at me the second night as he was prepping our diffuser and said, “never let us run out of this.” We use Young Living products in our home and they have been a great help to natural solutions as we navigate this new stage. (if you need some oils, let me know)
- Munchkin diaper pail – there are lots of opinions around containers to dispose of diapers. When you go through 6-8 a day and they are full of stinky bodily fluids its probably something that should have been higher on the list. I’ve heard feedback all over the place about other products to get or not get. But we have LOVED our Munchkin pail. You know, as much as one can like a trashcan. But this one has great bags that hold in the smell and arm and hammer pods in the lid that keep all scents at bay, The trash liners are easy to replace… like crazy easy and the sleek look keeps it from being an eyesore in any room.
- Footed Zipper Sleepers – do yourself a favor and take back all the snapping turtles and just keep the zippers! Maybe you don’t have to be that drastic, but the zipper ones are just so much easier. Especially when its the middle of the night or early morning and you have just changed a diaper. Its hard to chase snaps in the dark! And, the footed ones keep you from chasing socks. I wonder how long he can wear sleepers all day?!?! Maybe I’ll have him out of them before he goes to his first summer overnight camp.
Even writing this and going back through it, I’m so overwhelmed. Babies need so many things and as soon as you think you have it all covered some new experience or change happens and you find yourself looking around for what you need. That’s why I’m making Gear Up! a series where I’ll share the new things we add at different stages.
What about you? Did I miss anything or mention a brand that was different? What would your newborn/infant essentials list include for the early months?