Easter Basket Ideas for Preschoolers
I don't know about you but I feel like I get to this time of year and think, "what in the world am I going to put in my kids Easter basket." Well, these Easter Basket Ideas for Preschoolers is a practical look at the parenting obstacle of what to get your kids that...
Holy Week Activities for Preschoolers
As I prepared my plans for Holy Week Activities for my Preschoolers, I wanted to keep intention and focus on the events from scripture. But I know for him this is the first time he is really starting to hear these stories in a way that he can remember and...
Creating Bible Convos with your Toddler
Let me lead with the fact: I’m no expert when it comes to parenting. And, I’ll never use this platform to convince you otherwise. But, this morning, I had a moment - being intentional with my toddler is paying off in introducing bible conversations in our everyday...
Baby Jesus Breakfast
I’ve tried really hard this year to talk about the Jesus Nativity Story with my preschooler. He is a little sponge right now and really loving the magic and splendor of the holiday season. So, this toddler and preschool-friendly Baby Jesus Breakfast party may...
Christmas Lessons for Preschoolers to learn about Jesus
This year my Little Man is a sponge, so I’m being intentional with a few Christmas Lessons for a Preschooler by using each week of December as a theme for exploring the story of the nativity with my toddler son. My mom has been a preschool teacher for more than 40...
Dollar Store Creative Halloween Costumes
These dollar store kids costumes ideas are super creative, but not expensive. Growing up, we always dressed up for Halloween and my mom was in charge of our fall festival at church. It was always a big deal for us to dress up and my super creative mom helped us...
Ultimate Family Road Trip
We embarked on the Epic Mount Rushmore-Yellowstone-Rocky Mountain Grand Adventure as the ultimate family road trip for 2020. Our goal was to make memories and see new places while staying socially distant and protecting our family. We traveled with a toddler, two...
Toddler Road Trip Activities
These solutions for Toddler and Preschooler Road Trip Activities will make the car time fly by on your next family adventure. It’s a scary thought to take a toddler on the road, especially when he is used to TV, freedom, and having snacks all the time. But we...