Stone Soup Playdate
Hosting a Stone Soup Party is a great way to teach children about hospitality, friendship, sharing, and food insecurity. Whether it's a group of Preschoolers, a Kindergarten Class, or a wild bunch of senior adults, Stone Soup is a great book to teach a valuable...
Apple Science Activity for Preschoolers to Pre-K
September is always an easy month to study apples in Preschool and Toddler curriculum. Apples provide a great way to explore colors, letters, and shapes and offer fall-outing ideas - all important developmental steps. One fun activity we love to do each fall is...
Bath Fizz Color Experiment
This Bath Fizz Color Experiment is perfect for toddlers and preschoolers who are learning colors, counting, independent play, and observation. Snow days, rain days, stuck-at-home days, they all make a mama crazy! It seems like bath time is the best way to work...
14 ways to keep your sanity with a toddler at Disney
A recent trip to Disney World with our extended family had me doing tons of research to help make our first Disney World trip with a toddler so much easier. While I did my research, there were a few things I still needed to learn on my own. So, here is my ULTIMATE...
Preschool Advent Lessons for Christmas
This year my Little Man is a sponge, so I’m being intentional with a few Christmas Lessons for a Preschooler by using each week of December as a theme for exploring the story of the nativity with my toddler son. My mom has been a preschool teacher for more than 40...
Ways to celebrate Grandparent’s Day
We are blessed with great parents who have, no surprise, made great grandparents. And this year will be a hard reminder that Little Man lost one of his grandparents earlier this year. Today as I was looking for pictures for this post, I was reminded what a treasure...
Gear Up! | 18 mo | Toddler Items we can’t live without
Another installment in our “gear we can’t live without” series with the essentials in our home for an 18-month-old. I’ll be honest, it’s already obvious a third person lives in our house and frankly, he needs/uses more stuff than the rest of us. It’s kinda nuts. So...
Rainy Day Preschool Games
Rainy days are hard with a Preschooler. Check out this list of fun board games to play with preschoolers. These preschool games will be great for creating a summer routine, breaking up the day on vacation, or keeping sanity on rainy days when you are stuck inside...