Mentor and Invest yourself in meaningful work
Mentoring. Its a topic that brings lots of different emotions and opinions. Lucky for me, I'm going to share mine here today and let you decide, on your own, where you stand. But, everyone needs a champion. Every idea needs a champion. Every new business needs a...
Love is the answer | Five thoughts on Valentine’s Day
I've had this swarming in my head all day. I've thought about all the content I could tackle and places I could go with it. So,I thought I'd address a few: GALentine's Day, Love is the real answer, being single on Valentine's all the crafting, and loving yourself....
Advent: Nostalgia
Original post was written in December 2012, but the heart is still the same. Christmas is rich with opportunity for reflection and reminders of the season. You know, the nostalgia of it all! Today my family will gather at church and we have been asked to...
OVERCOMER | Emily Haworth
Emily was a couple years behind me at Ouachita. I met her because she was good friends with a girl who grew up with us back home. But, our friendship grew even strong in the years that followed. Her dad moved to Arkadelphia and became pastor at Second Baptist...
OVERCOMER | James Moore
James has always been the guy in our women blogger group. He has stood with us, and mostly taught us all how to do awesome videos...althought, I'm still not there. But, he is and that makes us awesome. You should follow Busvlogger on all the things. For my...
My friend Jen, man have we the stories to tell. I actually met Jen for the first time at Atlanta Bread Company in Rogers. She was applying for a job with the same organization I worked for and wanted to know more. Let me tell you, this woman has taught me a lot of...
OVERCOMER | Lyndi Fultz
When I decided to do this series, I knew I wanted to reach out to Lyndi and include her. I've always respected Lyndi so much in her blog work. I met her through a blog group we are both parts of. She is someone I look up to for her skills in understanding all the...
Paige Ray. What do I say. I miss this friend so much from my NWA time. Paige is a couple years of mama steps ahead of me. I remember when she had her sweet little guy, she launched a new podcast and really began exploring the topic of creativity and motherhood. I...