so, these are a little late, but I thought you (and I!)  might need them for records sake:

20. M – Tweet memories of your favorite Christmas

Micah 5:2-5

21. T – Google holiday traditions of your favorite country

Isaiah 40:1-5, 9-11

22. W – Visit and see what kind of Christmas warm fuzzies you can read

Luke 1:1-38

23. Th – Put on Christmas music and dance

Luke 2:1-20

24. F – Put out cookies and a note for Santa – cross your fingers he gets you what you want!

John 1:1-9

25. S -Enjoy the day with your family and remember why this is the “Most Wonderful time of the year”

This really has become a new thing I will add as a tradition at Christmas.  It really helped me focus on the meaning of the season and made me intentional about the things I was doing…more to come on that later!
