Y’all I cannot with the snack mix. The first thing I think about when I dream up the idea for a party is, “what snack mix can I serve.” We are getting ready for a Greatest Show on Earth event and I had to pull together a Circus Snack Mix to help us celebrate.
In June we are planning to attend the Poultry Fest with Mr. McKinney’s team at work. I’m always so thankful they include me in their planning and let Little Man and I to participate and help. And, you know if we have to go to a meeting where we need to use our brains in the middle of the afternoon, then we NEED to have something to munch on.
For my hospitality and encouragement, and just love to love on people, I threw this together on a Friday morning. Mixed it in two Tupperware bowls that didn’t match and pulled out some green plates and napkins I had leftover from a St. Patty’s day party. I have a set of scoops I got at the Dollar Tree that I keep in my party tub.
We threw it all in a recycle bag and we were off for the meeting with a few toys in tow as well. I’m trying to keep it simple as often as I can but still “show up” every chance I get. Plus seeing people eat snacks that we put together just makes my heart full. And, this one was kid-friendly so Little Man had his fill. As a matter of fact, he is fully aware of what’s in the yellow bowl on the counter right now!

Circus Snack Mix
- 2 Cups Fruit Loops cereal
- 2 Cups butter puffed corn
- 1 Cup stick or twist pretzels
- 1 Cup pizza flavored Goldfish
- 1 movie snack box Boston Baked Beans or Hot Tamales
- 1/2 bag Circus Peanuts orange ones
- 2 Cups animal crackers
- Mix together and serve.
- Store in an airtight container.
- Could also scoop out individual servings into clear zipper or cellophane party bags.
-Fruit Loops represent the hoops and bring color to the mix. Could substitute for Lucky Charms.
-Puff Corn is a personal preference, but premade popcorn could also be used. It just goes stale faster and makes it no longer Toddler-Friendly.
-Pretzels – I used sticks for Tight Ropes, but twists could work too
-Pizza flavored Goldfish just made the whole mix for me and was what I picked out every time. But regular goldfish or any holiday/seasonal colors could be festive.
-Boston Baked Beans – they are hard and crunchy. I was looking for something red like clown noses. Red Hots or Hot Tamales could work, even cut up twizzlers, or some sour candy if you can find it. This is one item that you could really use your imagination on.
-Circus Peanuts – these are big marshmallow type candy. They are not hard to find, you just have to look for them. But color wise and theme wise, they make the mix.
-nuts – you could add nuts – peanuts or cashews would be great. I was going for toddler-friendly, so I left those out.
-animal crackers – again these are a must. But, you can do the kind that is more like a cookie, or even the frosted ones. I didn’t have a big selection at my store, so I went with regular animal crackers you find in a big bag. That same brand also carries chocolate ones and mix of the two could be fun!
As always remember a little snack goes a long way. But serving and sharing don’t have to be fancy!
Hostess with the McMostess