Ways to celebrate Grandparent’s Day
We are blessed with great parents who have, no surprise, made great grandparents. And this year will be a hard reminder that Little Man lost one of his grandparents earlier this year. Today as I was looking for pictures for this post, I was reminded what a treasure...
Gear Up! | 18 mo | Toddler Items we can’t live without
Another installment in our “gear we can’t live without” series with the essentials in our home for an 18-month-old. I’ll be honest, it’s already obvious a third person lives in our house and frankly, he needs/uses more stuff than the rest of us. It’s kinda nuts. So...
Rainy Day Preschool Games
Rainy days are hard with a Preschooler. Check out this list of fun board games to play with preschoolers. These preschool games will be great for creating a summer routine, breaking up the day on vacation, or keeping sanity on rainy days when you are stuck inside with...
Easter Basket Ideas for Preschoolers
I don’t know about you but I feel like I get to this time of year and think, “what in the world am I going to put in my kids Easter basket.” Well, these Easter Basket Ideas for Preschoolers is a practical look at the parenting obstacle of what to get...