40 Somethings Series
So, 2022 is the year I turn 40 - eeekkkkk. I remember when that age seemed so old and I remembered that it seemed forever away. I remember my 30th birthday like it was yesterday. I can remember the slow easy day. I remember my friend picking me up for dinner in the...
What I learned at Megaphone 19
What a weekend the Megaphone Summit 2019 was. First, it was in Bentonville, Arkansas, a place I adore. Second, I was surrounded by some of my favorite tribe members (but missed several others). Third, I learned some new things. Fourth, I got some new motivation and...
Successful Ways to Transition your Child to Big Church
I had a friend recently ask me the question about what tips I had to help transition her Kindergartener to Big Church. It was a fluke night at her church where there was no church nursery, but her kids had to go somewhere, so they went with her. Thankfully it was a...
Mentor and Invest yourself in meaningful work
Mentoring. Its a topic that brings lots of different emotions and opinions. Lucky for me, I'm going to share mine here today and let you decide, on your own, where you stand. But, everyone needs a champion. Every idea needs a champion. Every new business needs a...
4 Tourism Tips to Support your Local Community
It is National Travel and Tourism week and your local community is the best place to start for grand adventures. These 4 Tourism Tips to Support your Local Community can go a long way in helping spread the word about travel opportunities in your region. I've...
Decorating with Ebenezers | when the items in your home tell a story
Last week the tribe leaders of the Megaphone Community challenged us to a writing prompt and I thought this one was so fitting – write the story behind a found object you have. I thought for a minute, trying to think about an item in my home that I could write...
bigpittstop | What’s in a Name
This post originally appeared on the Arkansas Women Bloggers blog as a series when I was Miss April 2014 , aka blogger of the month. I'm sharing it here as part of the #CheerstoStorytellingChallenge Prompt 1, a challenge to tell the story behind our blog name. I've...
OVERCOMER series kickoff
4 years ago, I did a series on my blog called "Overcomer." I asked friends and people I admired to answer 5 questions. I left it open for them to interpret the topic, where they wanted to go with it, and how long they wanted to write. And, I got all kinds of...