Chasing Cows, Finding Blooms
This post about Chasing Cows and Finding Blooms is my personal reflection of the COVID-19 in my community and processing the thoughts ruminating in my head. While it’s not my normal content, it takes me back to the roots of why I started this blog for healing...
An Open Letter to Graduates
Something about the graduation season makes me a little nostalgic. So, I thought I’d write An Open Letter to Graduates in big sister chat mode! I think I reflect on who I was at 18 or 22. And with a Little Man of my own, I can’t even begin to think...
Mentor and Invest yourself in meaningful work
Mentoring. Its a topic that brings lots of different emotions and opinions. Lucky for me, I’m going to share mine here today and let you decide, on your own, where you stand. But, everyone needs a champion. Every idea needs a champion. Every new business needs a...
7 Safeguards for Social Media Managers
Managing social media accounts for brands is a big task. Not only do you have to stay “in voice” and pay attention to brand language and colors all the time, but you have to make sure you are posting to the right account at the right time. Today I have...