8 yrs clear
Well today was the day. The day once a year I remember I HAD cancer. Sure, I think about it other days. Little things remind me. Someone else gets diagnosed. I have a low day. I see my scar. There are moments. But it is guaranteed an early Friday in...
three big things
3 big things....that's what this week involved! Monumental would be an overstatement, but let's digest and let you decide. Thursday was World Cancer Day. A day I always celebrate. I mean, it's how BIGPITTSTOP got its start. But more than that it...
whats in a name?
I love a good brand story. I love a consistent brand. I love a positive experience. And, I love when a brand mistake is made and resolved. I volunteer with Junior Achievement and the last session we cover with the students is “personal brand”. It’s a funny topic...
OVERCOMER: reflections
So, we went there. We dug deep. We hurt. We healed. We looked at the struggle with security and insecurity. We looked at infertility and the struggle with too much. In all of the moments, we thought about ourselves. We thought and wondered if we've struggled...
Missed one of the entries....well, I just think that's a shame! So, here's a full list of all the #overcomer stories from the series this month: OVERCOMER Series Kickoff Dave Shrein - security Laurie Marshall - grief Abby Turner- defeat Holley Gerth - infertility...
OVERCOMER: Keisha Pittman
So, its my turn. My Overcomer story. You would think after I read everyone's entry that it would be super easy to just click away at my little laptop keyboard and crank something out After all, I had 30 chances to read and grab on to something. But, if I've...
Honestly, an October Overcomer celebration would NOT be complete without a celebration of Allison. She is more than a fighter. She is a pink boxing glove wearing warrior. This gal came into my life during my last year at the American Cancer Society as she joined...
OVERCOMER: Greg Pierce
Greg Pierce - he's a rocker, a technical guru and a Survivor (and Website Moderator at What'sNext a website that provides answers for cancer survivors). Greg is a multi-time cancer survivor. He literally punched cancer I the throat. (that may be a joke only he...