A letter to my friend just diagnosed with cancer
A letter to my friend who was diagnosed with cancer this week. This week I learned you were diagnosed with cancer, and I thought I'd sit down and write the words that were swarming my mind last night as I went to bed and were in my heart all weekend as I thought...
40 Somethings Series
So, 2022 is the year I turn 40 - eeekkkkk. I remember when that age seemed so old and I remembered that it seemed forever away. I remember my 30th birthday like it was yesterday. I can remember the slow easy day. I remember my friend picking me up for dinner in the...
FAQ on the pink stuff
This month I've been serving as a VIPinks Ambassador for the American Cancer Society. So, I thought I'd take a pause and share with you some valuable information about the American Cancer Society and more specifically breast cancer. 1 in 8 women will be diagnosed...
bigpittstop | What’s in a Name
This post originally appeared on the Arkansas Women Bloggers blog as a series when I was Miss April 2014 , aka blogger of the month. I'm sharing it here as part of the #CheerstoStorytellingChallenge Prompt 1, a challenge to tell the story behind our blog name. I've...
Make a Difference with the Festival of Stars Toy Drive
So, I'm still planning to kick off the Advent Daily Writing Topics starting on Saturday. Whether you share a picture on social media or actually write a post each day along with me, I hope you will do enough to draw your heart in this season. You may not do...
OVERCOMER Series 2018 recap
Y'all I promised you would meet some incredible people in this OVERCOMER series and it did not disappoint. I have some amazing people in my life. They inspire me. They are what keep me coming back to drink from the well of encouragement and that drives me to keep...
OVERCOMER | Eileen Jennings
You guys, this gal falls high on my "boss babe" list. She is a girl banker and has climbed the ladder to a regional role and is killing it. She is recognized all over by peers and her industry. Her team respects her and her bosses see what she is bringing to their...
OVERCOMER | April Wingfield
April... where do I even start with this intro? I met April at Early Registration before I started my freshman year of college. Through mutual friends and mutual groups, we ended up living next door to each other our Sophmore year and stayed together. I always call...