fathers day repost
In honor of father's day, I'm reposting a post from March about my amazing parents (and a challenge to dads). Title: Praying ParentsI'm so grateful for technology. Even on Sundays when its super yucky outside and I'm a scaredy cat, I can still worship...
They is kind
I was reminded this morning what a gift the right parents can be. I'm always amazed how God builds families. How Je knots together parents and children that need each other. I know much of who we are is built off genetics. I look in the mirror every day and see my...
Farmland Film
Last week, I had the fortune of attending a local movie premiere viewing of Farmland Film. Hosted by Arkansas Farm Bureau, this was an evening of classy casual. I mean you can't invite farmers, politicians, locals and bloggers and not have a mix of...
How did you come to be
So last night at dinner with some new friends one of the guys at the table asked me what my back ground or training was to be an event planner. 1. Being an event planner is my dream job so the fact that he saw what I do as a dream was a huge...
I need thee oh I need thee
I woke up this morning with snot rags in my sheets. Which, I'm guessing is a sign of a rough night and that it was. Without going into details and trying to draw sympathy votes I want to say this. I mourned. Part 3 of the bigpittstop is documenting the journey of a...
When answers aren't enough…
I never expected the feelings I have right now when a friend text me at 8:30 this morning and asked me to check Facebook. A college classmate lost his life last night in an accident. And tonight the whole state grieves. As I've processed this today, I've pondered...