sweet spot

sweet spot

I’m there.  And, if I’m not…I’m darn well close.  Last week I had one of the best weeks I’ve had in a really long time.  Like, years long. I am finding my sweet spot.  My days are chalked full of learning new things.  Of moments to...
Do we have a bad connection?

Do we have a bad connection?

I’m walking through an AMAZING book with the girls in my Bible study/ discipleship group.  We’ve covered tons of topics and had to peel back some personal labels as we’ve turned each page.  But, one thing that hit me this morning, as I was reading, was a statement....
Dreaming and Listing

Dreaming and Listing

So, as I read, I dreamed.  I keep telling myself its perfectly normal to read any book with a pen and highlighter in your hand.  That most people write in the margins and when asked a question, they answer them (right there in the book). So, as I read our...


Oh to something new! So, sometime last month.  Or maybe even the end of the month before that, I was pulled into a group who was jumping in to a book.  Now, I’ve always wanted to be a grown up who was part of a book club!  And, when I heard the...
OVERCOMER: reflections

OVERCOMER: reflections

So, we went there. We dug deep.  We hurt.  We healed. We looked at the struggle with security and insecurity.  We looked at infertility and the struggle with too much. In all of the moments, we thought about ourselves.  We thought and wondered if we’ve struggled...