Well, Christmas eve is tomorrow. Is there a Christmas present you are really anticipating? Did you ask for something special that you can wait to get? Or, is there a present wrapped under the tree that you cant wait to watch someone open?

Once I get all my presents wrapped, I’m ready for them to be opened. I still beg mom every year if everyone can open a gift before Christmas. I just love the anticipation of people opening all their gifts.
I love giving gifts. Its one of my favorite things all year. I love searching for just the perfect present and then watch the recipient open it.
I’m really bad about making a list. I usually just throw out there gift ideas as the year goes along and forget them when it comes. Then, I’ll open a present and say “oh yeah”. Its a good gig my mom has because we totally forget what we picked out and its all a fresh surprise.
So, tonight as I sit in front of the tree, lit with the glow of lights, I see the reflection glimmer in the wrapping. Its kinda inviting. I’ve never been the kid to want to open presents and see what’s inside. I’m pretty sure I have no poker face so I knew I couldn’t pretend that I didn’t know. But, I never wanted to spoil the surprise.
I love waiting to see what everyone gets. We open gifts one at a time and just draw it out as long as possible. Dad usually gets bored so we make sure to rotate and keep him interested.
I know we are blessed and I’m so grateful to be able to give gifts and grateful to be able to have a tree wrapped with gifts.
What about you? Any gift you are anticipating?