The information below references Lifeway VBS material. I’m not sponsored or affiliated with them other than it’s the curriculum used by my church. The story line up, verse, and daily activities are part of the curriculum they developed. What we have added is a Dinner and Craft option to pair with what the children are doing, for the adults in the church. Our goal is to take what Lifeway developed and expound upon it by sharing what we are doing in our local church.
This year, Lifeway Vacation Bible School (VBS) has kicked off around the nation with a theme of GAME ON! My parents and my sister and her husband serve on the Dallas Co. Training Team. They prepare in the winter months the crafts, songs, stories, and mission moments of the season and then present them to those in the Dallas Co. area who will be leading VBS at individual churches across the region.

Because of my distance, I don’t usually get to participate in the festivities, but this year with Mama Sue here some extra weeks in the winter months, we got to help her get ready for her conference craft session. This included preparing an example of each craft mentioned or listed in the curriculum and then a few extra things she plans to use as room decorations. In years past, she has also taught a make-it-take-it class where she made up all new crafts in addition to the book. Many times they find the churches they work with are small or operate on smaller budgets so she gets creative using all kinds of reusable (insert trash) items. Currently, we are saving salad dressing bottles, creamer bottles, plastic bottle caps and rings and Stax chips containers. (my husband really hasn’t figured out why yet, but I tell him Mama Sue asked for it so we don’t argue…much!)

Because my dad is a pastor at a small church where they do not really have any children that attend, they try to end their summer with an Adult VBS. Many of those in his church did not grow up going to VBS so it’s very new to many of them and at times they get to act like children…and who doesn’t like that!
I thought it would be fun to share some of those ideas for other churches who may find this a great solution.
What: Adult Vacation Bible School
When: 5 Wednesday nights. This year, there are 5 Wednesday Nights in August so it’s a great time to have this event. Technically, this could also be done with a small group or a Sunday School class, but they make the Wednesday Night Supper match as well so the whole night is thematic. Also, having a short amount of time helps. They complete all the activities besides dinner, in an hour.
Where: at the church in a classroom or could be in a home if doing with older children or a small group. These ideas could also work great for older children and a backyard bible club – again it could be 5 nights in one week like VBS is or 5 of the same nights of a week for five weeks in a row.
Who: this specific set was written for Adults (of all ages), but the activities could work and be adapted for middle school and older youth
How: lots of details will follow to pull off each night. A couple things to note about the thought behind these activities:
- Like children, adults need ways to reinforce the stories of God’s Word and constant reminders around them.
- If you are going to go to the trouble and effort to make something, make it something they might actually use. There are lots of ways the activities below could be carried out, but choose an option that is not too cheesy and gives adults something they might actually use in their everyday life or home to remind them of the stories and truths they learned and how they can carry those lessons to others.
- Like with children, encourage your church members to bring a friend. Adult VBS can be a great way to introduce someone to church for the first time or first time in a long time. This is fun, the group will laugh together completing crafts and acting like children.
- This specific group of lessons does not include activities/recreation, but those could easily be added in. I’ll try to include below a game that could be played to reinforce the story, truth or verse.

- Theme: GAME ON! Gearing Up for Life’s Big Game
- Motto: Gear up! Get ready! Game on!
- Verse: His divine power has given us everything required for life and godliness through the knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness. 2 Peter 1:3
- Snacks: the items included here all sports-themed food, most items you could get at a concession stand. Sometimes a dessert or after-dinner treat might tie into the theme. a popcorn bar or build your own trail mix could be fun. Research some of your favorite ballparks and serve your own version of their food.
- Craft: Playbook Sleeve – the Bible is our Playbook. It’s where our coach shows us how to live, act, love others, and follow Him. This Playbook Sleeve is something that they will add a reminder from each week to the front for decoration and use afterward.
- Supplies: 2 pieces of felt per person – brown, black or colored pieces of 8.5×11 (could purchase pre-cut pieces), coordinating thread, sewing machine, t-shirt or “puff” paint
- (this is a great way to get one of those “little old ladies” to help you prep!)
- Stack 2 coordinating pieces of felt on top of each other. Sew around 3 sides of the felt, leaving one short end open as the top. Just use the presser foot as the seam allowance guide. The thread will show on the outside because you are not turning this.
- Across the front middle of the felt, write “Playbook” in t-shirt paint
- Let dry overnight so the paint will not be sticky.
- Adults will add a sticker or decal to the front of this each week to represent the theme or story for that evening. Then, they can take them home to use as a bible cover to bring back and forth with them to church. The sleeve should be big enough that they could include a journal and a pen.
- Keep these at the church each week and send them home after session 5.
- Outline of biblical Content
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Day 1:
- Story – The Lost Sheep
- Truth – Jesus Cares About Me – Jesus seeks out those who are lost and in need of a Savior.
- Scripture – Luke 15:1-7
- Craft – Dinner Bell
- Supplies: 1 large cowbell per person, paint pens or sharpie markers, assorted colors or patterned satin or grosgrain ribbon
- Using paint pens or sharpies decorate bell and write out today’s truth – Jesus Cares about (This will help you remember that there was one lost sheep and the shepherd stopped everything to go find him because he cared about all the sheep being together.)
- Tie a ribbon or multiple ribbons around the handle of the bell.
- Send bells home and tie it on the doorknob/handle or put in the kitchen window sill to use as a dinner bell and reminder of today’s truth.
- Playbook Decal – sheep – we ordered these from Amazon
- Dinner/Snack – Hot Dogs and Cheetos with banana fluff
- Activity – tag or freeze tag
- Alternative activity – take a ball of fuzzy yarn. Toss it to each other across the room and say the name of the person you are tossing to and today’s truth. For example, God Cares about Susan < toss>. Another option is to say the verse for the week one word at a time as you toss the ball of yarn. It will make a big web but it’s fun to watch everyone try and catch.

Day 2:
- Story – The Resurrection of Lazarus
- Truth – Jesus Gives Me Hope – Jesus gives believers hope for eternal life.
- Scripture – John 11:1-44
- Craft – Truth Block
- Supplies: 2×4 wood plank cut into 7 in lengths, 3×5 index cards, clothespin, wood glue or hot glue gun, sharpies/markers, markers
- Optional Supplies: spray paint, sandpaper, washi tape, printed scripture cards (check out some of these from K Cutie Designs)
- Before the meeting: Cut the 2×4 into 7-inch lengths. Edges will need some sanding. (this is a great way to get an older man in your church to help and participate)
- Using wood glue or a hot glue gun, glue the clothespin to the woodblock – the idea here is that the cards would hang with the short side across the bottom – “standing up.” Make sure the clothespin is glued where the card will still be centered or not hanging off the bottom of the woodblock.
- On the main part of the wood, below the clothespin, write “God’s truth overcomes Satan’s lies.” Or use today’s truth from the study – “Jesus Gives me Hope”
- On index cards, write out the verse from 2 Peter 3:17. Also, have them write out a few of their favorite verses. Send them home with 3 blank index cards to add their own verses in the coming weeks.
- Optional – paint the wood with spray paint or leftover house paint or craft paint. Complete this step BEFORE the night of VBS
- Optional – sand the edges both for a look with the paint and to remove splinters. Complete this step BEFORE the night of VBS
- Optional – if not using paint, you could use washi or decorative duct tape to decorate the edges or cover the front of the block of wood.
- Playbook Decal – butterfly (Hope)
- Dinner/Snack – hamburgers and chips with tombstone cookies
- For cookies, dip ½ of Nutter Butter cookies in white cholate or almond bark and write “Empty” with decorating icing
- Alternative ideas are Earthquake Cake or Dirt Dessert
- Activity – Stand up Game – ask questions and people stand up when they are connected to the answer. For example:
- Stand up if you were born on Wednesday
- Stand up if the last digit of your Social Security Number is 1.
- Stand up if your shoe size is 6 or less.
- Stand up if you were glasses.
- Stand up if you still have hair to comb.
- Keep going until only one person is left. That person gets a prize. Plan to repeat a couple of rounds.
- This could also be done the opposite way. Start with everyone standing and then have people sit down if they fit the topic.

Day 3:
- Story – Thomas Believed
- Truth – Jesus Helps Me Believe – Jesus helps us believe without seeing.
- Scripture – John 20:19-31
- Craft – Mosaic Cross
- Supplies: black or white foam cross shapes, extra colored foam sheets, scissors, tacky or foamie glue, magnetic dots or strips (2 per person)
- Buy pre-cut cross shapes or cut your own from sheets of foam.
- Cut pieces of colored foam sheets into small squares and rectangles of different lengths.
- Glue magnetic stip or dots to top and bottom of the back of the cross shape.
- Encourage participants to layout out the mosaic design before they glue it down.
- Glue down mosaic design to main foam cross shape.
- Let dry while you tell the story and complete other activities.
- Dinner/Snack – nacho bar, taco pie up, or Frito pie with sugar cookies with a cross on top
- Other option – brownies: put a cross shape on top and sprinkle with powdered sugar, remove the cross and the shape is left behind. Or, add a cream cheese or icing layer in a grid and when you cut them, they will look like crosses on top
- Activity – Pass the Cross – Give a one-minute testimony of your life and pass the cross, testify, and tell something God has done for you or the way you have seen Him take care of you. Use a one-minute timer to keep everyone short.

Day 4:
- Story – John wrote about Jesus
- Truth – Jesus Loves Me – Jesus demonstrated God’s love for us so that by trusting in Him we can be called God’s children.
- Scripture – John 13:1-35; 19:25-27; 20:1-10; 21:1-14
- Craft – ABC Bookmark
- Bookmark Supplies: Cardstock, Magazines, scissors, glue sticks, markers or pens
- Precut – cardstock strips before the session. Cut them 8.5 x 2-inches – you will have 1 inch left of a standard letter size paper.
- Each person will need to cut out an A – B – C from the magazines.
- Glue letters on one side of the bookmark.
- On the back, write out the references for the Roman Road: Romans 3:23, Romans 6:23, Romans 5:8, Romans 10:9-10, Romans 10:13
- This is a great time to share the Gospel story with those in your group and talk about how they can use these verses to share the Gospel with others.
- Encourage participants to place this bookmark in their bible or carry it with them in a book they often read to use to tell others about the Gospel
- Playbook Decal – Bible
- Dinner/Snack – loaded fries or a baked potato bar with red velvet whoopie pies or cake mix cookies, or anything heart-shaped
- For whoopie pies: make red velvet cake mix as directed on box using ¼ less water. Scoop by tablespoonful on baking sheet or stone. Bake at 350 for 10 minutes. Let cool completely. For icing center, use canned icing or a homemade cream cheese icing. Spread on the bottom of one cookie and top with another. Store in an airtight container.
- Activity – Write notes of encouragement to homebound, nursing home, homeless shelter, or missionary families. Great way to incorporate missions into your time together.
- If you are looking for a set of missionaries to encourage, check with your pastor or a denominational mission organization.

Day 5:
- Story – Paul and Silas in Prison
- Truth – Jesus Gives Me Joy – Jesus is the source of all joy.
- Scripture – Acts 16:23-34
- Craft – Washer Keychain or necklace – ABC or JOY
- Supplies: one- 2 or 2.5-inch metal washer per participant, sharpies or paint pens, cording or ribbon, letter beads, keychain rings
- Use sharpies to decorate washer like a sports ball – soccer, basketball, or baseballs would be easiest.
- For a necklace, you will need 32-36 inches of cording or ribbon per participant.
- For keychain, you will need 10 inches of cording or ribbon per participant.
- Fold cording or ribbon in half.
- Place folded loop through the center of the washer. Pull loose ends through the loop. Pull tight. The washer should hang when loose ends are held in hand.
- Thread beads on to both pieces of cording or ribbon. Make sure to thread the last letter first.
- Tie a knot at the top of the letter beads to keep them from rolling up.
- For a necklace, tie together both ends behind the neck to finish off.
- For a keychain, hold ends together and tie in a knot. Thread the key chain through the knot. Trim off the end or ribbon close to knot to finish.
- Playbook Decal – smile emoji face
- Remember to send home the Playbook Sleeves with participants. Make sure to catch up on participants on decals for weeks they missed.
- Dinner/Snack – corndogs and chips and ice cream sandwiches
- Make plans for ice cream sundaes to celebrate when you are finished (those always bring joy) – popsicles or pop ice and water games could be fun too.
- Activity – I’ve Got Joy – Make a circle out of your participant’s chairs. Toss a bean bag from participant to participant. When a participant receives the bean bag, they share with the group 3 things that bring them joy. Toss the bean bag to someone who has not had a turn yet.

If you are looking for printables or encouragement to include with your Day 2 craft, check out my Etsy store, K Cutie Designs, for scripture verse digital downloadable designs. I’m also open to doing custom orders for $10 each and you get all 4 downloadable file types. Use “BIGPITTSTOP” at check out for 10% off your order of anything in the store.